After nurses attend clinical and placements, they are required to write reflective essays. These assignments are meant to help you think critically about your learning experience and ways to improve yourself. Gibbs reflection model can also help you improve your personal life by helping you identify where you excel at, what you lack and skills you need in order to improve yourself.

These essays are becoming common in nursing schools and a nurse should be able to ace this essay. To successfully write a reflective essay, it is advisable to use renowned reflective models like the Gibbs reflective models, Atkins and Murphy Model, Brookfield Reflective Model, and Driscoll Model of Reflection. We will briefly talk about the most popular model, the Gibbs model.

Gibbs reflection nursing assignment helpThe GIBBS reflective model

The Gibbs model is one of the most famous cyclical models. It has six steps of analyzing an experience.


Developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988, this model gives structure of learning after an experience. It offers a chance to examine experiences in a cycle. This models allows for repeated experiences allowing for learning and planning from what went well and what didn’t go well. It covers six stages which should be followed systematically.

       1. Description

During this stage of Gibbs reflective model, you have a chance to describe your experience in details.  Explain by answering these questions:

Explain what happened

When and where it happened?

Who was present when it happened?

What did you and the people present do when it happened?

What was the result/outcome?

Why were you there?

What was your expectation?


2.  Feelings

During this stage of Gibbs reflective model, explore and explain all feelings and thoughts you went through during your experience and how they may have impacted on your experience.

When writing about your feelings try answering these questions

What did you feel in that situation?

What did you feel before and after the situation?

What do you think other people felt during this situation?

What did you think during the situation?

What do you think about the situation now?

3. Evaluation

In this stage of Gibbs reflective model, you will write an evaluation of your experience. Write on what worked and what did not work in the said situation. Be as honest as possible when writing the evaluation. Include both the positive and negative aspects of the said situation. Some guiding questions during this stage may include:

What was the good and the bad of the situation?

What went well?

What didn’t go very well?

What was your contribution and other peoples’ contribution during the situation?

4. Analysis

During this stage of Gibbs reflective model, make sense of what happened. In the above stages, you have been focusing on what happened in the situation. In this stage, you now get to get the meaning from it. Focus on the aspect that went well and what went poorly and ask yourself why. You can now include any academic literature sources. Some question which should guide you when writing your analysis are:

Why did things go well?

Why did things go so well?

What can I make out of this situation?

What can help me understand this situation? (Include other people’s knowledge example academic literature)

5. Conclusion

Conclude on what happened when using the Gibbs reflective model. Conclude by giving a summary of what you learned and state what changes in your actions will improve the outcome of the situation in the future. When concluding, these questions may guide you

What did you learn from this situation?

How positive could this situation have been for all involved?

What skills do I need to develop so that I may be prepared in case such a situation better if happens again?

What could I have done?

6. Action plan

In this stage of Gibbs reflective model, write your plan on what you will do in future differently in case of a similar or related situation.  Also explain how you will upgrade yourself or help yourself to act in a different manner and make sure it happens.

These questions should help you write your action plan:

What would I do differently in a similar situation?

What will I do to develop the required skills needed?

What do I need to do to act differently next?



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Nursing case study writing help

Nursing case study writing help

As a nursing student, pursuing BSN, LPN, APN or DNP, you will most probably come across a case study analysis assignment. A nursing case study is very common in nursing school and most students dread in writing one. That is where we come in to help you in writing a perfect, well-structured case study.

Nursing case study writing help

What is a nursing case study?

Nursing case study is a comprehensive paper prepared in nursing school. It is written as a special report that focuses on a specific case. It may be challenging to produce a focused, well-structured and clearly written case study. We come in to help you write a well- designed case study to help you achieve success with your case study assignment. We provide you with an exceptionally written nursing case study, well researched and fully prepared by a qualified academic in nursing or any other healthcare related profession.

How to structure a case study

So you don’t need help with our assignment help? No problem. Let us take you through how to write the most impressive case study. Shall we.
When writing a case study, it is advisable to use a format that is well recognized. That way you will be able to arrange your ideas to interconnect and flow in an orderly manner. When starting off make sure your paper has
A tittle page. A title page include a catchy topic of your nursing case study. Include your name or student number, the name of your school, the course you are taking and the submission date.

Executive summary/introduction.

In this section, a student will include an overview of the case study analysis and finding and include a thesis statement. Present the patient by mentioning the patient’s current medications, medical history, and diagnosis, potential interventions and other recommendations.

Case study presentation.

In this section adapt a narrative style of writing where you present the raw data as given by the patient. Remember, here you are presenting on why the patient has come to you. State the medical history of the client and most probably underlying conditions depending on the patients’ symptoms and then state your clinical examination process.
Outcome and management. In this section the student will write about the plan of care for the patient. The student will include short and long term goals using SMART tool. Identify the specific treatment process and medication dosage you plan to include in your care plan. Mention whether your patient is improving or deteriorating and you can change your care plan. Be keen to only use a method that is valid to measure your patient improvement.

Discussion and recommendations

Having successfully written your comprehensive nursing case study, discuss the expected outcomes and make any relevant recommendations. The solutions should be realistic and be able to improve the situation of the patient. Include any relevant and tested evidence which has succeeded.
Lastly conclude. Just as you started off with an introduction, you need a conclusion as well. Write your case study conclusion by first reviewing on the case study: the patient presentation assessment, rationale and evaluation


A reference list should be written in a separate page. Include all the citations in your body to make your case study legitimate. You will reference according to your tutor’s instruction. Some of the most common referencing styles are APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, among others.

Why choose us

We perfectly put the case study report together. We understand the task at hand and are keen to present critical and creative solutions to finally present them in a well-structured report.
Our writers are nurses just like you and have vast knowledge on nursing concepts and nursing case study concepts hence articulate all the issues in a perfect manner.
Our writes will write your case study from scratch, using proper research materials and journals to make sure your work contains the latest research. Your work therefore will never have any plagiarism issues, we make sure of that.
We understand that most of our clients are students and therefore we have reduced our prices to be pocket friendly. We have the best and unbeatable prices in the market when you request help to write your case study. Order and talk to us to find out more.
We are very articulate and punctual with delivery deadlines. Our writers will start working on your case study once the order has been facilitated.

Types of nursing case study

There are different types of nursing case study. The writing format is the same the difference is assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation processes.
Hypertension nursing case study
Acute kidney injury nursing case study
Respiratory nursing case study
Cardiogenic shock nursing case study
Diabetes nursing case study
Osteoporosis nursing case study
COPD nursing case study
Hypoxic injury case study
Ethical nursing case study
Chronic diseases nursing case study.
Breast cancer nursing case study
And many more
Still need more help with your nursing case study?
Place your order at and we will help complete your case study even with limited deadline timeline.


The case study
Patient A was admitted to ward 9F for abdominal pain. He was a healthy 45-year-old male with no medical history. As part of the hospital’s admission process, a fall risk assessment had been carried out and he was at a very low risk for fall. In fact, he had a steady gait and was fully aware. On one of my morning shifts, he experienced a sudden fall in the toilet after coming back from the imaging department for an abdomen ultrasound and was found out by another patient. Everyone was in shock as it was just out of the blue. Vital signs, electrocardiogram and blood glucose level were immediately taken. Transient ischemic attack was ruled out as evedence by he is still alert by talking to the staff nurse. He said that he is not good in fasting and he is very hunger as follow doctor’s order NBM before Abdominal ultrasound. Suddenly, He felt dizzy and can not keep balance and gait. All results were normal except the clinical signs of hypotension. Fortunately, he went on with no sustained injury. The staff nurse (SN) in charge informed the ward sister, filled up the incident report, reassessed fall risk for the patient.
Theoretical Analysis/Application
– Discuss how you would have handled the situation using management models/theory/process/strategies on your selected management concept.
– Literature references from journal articles and books need to be clearly specified and supported/applied appropriately.
– The evidence from the scholarly literature will assist you to formulate rationale and support your theoretical analysis/ application in handling your clinical situation.
– Discuss your thoughts and opinions of the clinical situation.



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