Barriers to Achieving Nursing Evidence Based Practice

Barriers to Achieving Nursing Evidence Based Practice

what is Nursing Evidence Based Practice

Nursing evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making that relies on the best available research evidence to guide practice. It is a way of thinking and working that nurses use to make decisions about the care of individual patients. The goal of EBP is to improve patient care by using the best information available.

Barriers to Achieving Nursing Evidence Based Practice

These are  the main barriers to nursing evidence-based practice implementation,

  1. Lack of knowledge and skills
  2. Poor access to research
  3. Lack of time.
  4. Lack of research evidence in nursing.
  5. Lack of support from managers and colleagues.

Now let us delve into each of these  barriers to achieving nursing evidence based practice .

Lack of knowledge and skills is one of the  main barriers to achieving nursing evidence based practice because nurses need to know how to find and use research evidence. They also need to be able to critically appraise research studies to determine if they are of high quality and applicable to their patients. Many nurses lack the skills and knowledge necessary to do this.

The second of the  barriers to  achieving nursing evidence based practice is Poor access to research is another barrier to nursing evidence based practice. Nurses may not have access to the latest research studies, or they may not be able to find the time to read them. Additionally, research studies can be difficult to understand and it can be hard to know how to apply the findings to clinical practice.

Lack of time is also a common barrier to achieving nursing evidence based practice. Nurses are often very busy and may not have the time to search for and read research studies. They may also feel that they do not have time to implement changes in their practice based on the findings of research studies.

Another factor of the  barriers to achieving nursing evidence based practice to nursing evidence-based practice that is often overlooked is the lack of research evidence in nursing. Nurses often rely on anecdotal evidence and personal experience when making decisions about patient care, which can lead to errors and poor outcomes. There are a number of reasons for the lack of research evidence in nursing. One reason is that research funding for nursing is often inadequate. Additionally, there are few nurses who are trained in research methods, and there is a lack of infrastructure to support nursing research. Another reason for the lack of research evidence in nursing is that many nurses do not have the time or opportunity to conduct research. Nursing is a busy profession and nurses often do not have the time to conduct original research studies. Additionally, many nurses are not familiar with the research process and may not know how to get started with conducting research. One way to address the lack of research evidence in nursing is to increase funding for nursing research and provide more training opportunities for nurses in research methods. Additionally, nurses can make an effort to learn about evidence-based practice and how to apply it in their own practice. By doing this, they can help improve the quality of care that they provide to their patients.

Lack of support from managers and colleagues can also be a barrier to achieving nursing evidence-based practice. Nurses may not have the support of their managers to make changes in their practice based on the findings of research studies. Additionally, nurses may not receive feedback from their colleagues about the use of EBP in their practice, which can lead to feelings of isolation. One way to overcome the lack of support from managers and colleagues is to educate them about evidence-based practice. Managers can be provided with information about the benefits of EBP and how it can help improve patient care. Colleagues can also be taught about EBP and how to critically appraise research studies. By doing this, nurses can create a supportive environment for evidence-based practice. Now that we have discussed the Main Barriers to Nursing Evidence Based Practice, let us discuss how we can overcome them

How to Overcome  Barriers to Achieving Nursing Evidence based Practice

There are many barriers to achieving  nursing evidence based practice, but nurses can overcome these barriers by taking steps such as Learning about EBP

Accessing research

Setting priorities.

By doing this, nurses can make sure that they are using the best available evidence to guide their clinical decision making and improve the care of their patients.

What Are The Impacts of  the  barriers to  achieving Nursing Evidence Based Research

There are both positive and negative impacts of nursing evidence based practice.

The positive impacts of EBP include

Improved patient care,

Increased knowledge and skills

Better decision making.

Nurses who use EBP in their practice are able to provide better care for their patients because they have access to the best information available. They also have the skills and knowledge necessary to critically appraise research studies and apply the findings to their patients’ care. Additionally, nurses who use EBP make better decisions because they are able to factor in the latest research evidence when making clinical decisions.

The negative impacts of EBP include

Increased workloads and stress.

Resistance from some nurses.

Time Consuming.

Nurses who use EBP may experience an increase in workloads and stress because they are now responsible for finding and critically appraising research studies as well as implementing changes based on the findings of these studies. Additionally, some nurses may resist using EBP in their practice because they do not want to change the way they have always done things. They may also feel that EBP is too time-consuming or difficult to understand.

 Take Home Point

Despite the negative impacts, the positive impacts of nursing evidence based practice outweigh the negatives. The benefits of using EBP in nursing practice include improved patient care, increased knowledge and skills, and better decision making. These benefits make EBP an essential part of nursing


Nurses who want to use EBP in their practice can overcome the barriers of lack of knowledge and skills, poor access to research, and lack of time by taking steps such as learning about EBP, accessing research, and setting priorities. By doing this, nurses can make sure that they are using the best available evidence to guide their clinical decision making and improve the care of their patients. Despite the negative impacts, the positive impacts of nursing evidence based practice outweigh the negatives. The benefits of using EBP in nursing practice include improved patient care, increased knowledge and skills, and better decision making. These benefits make EBP an essential part of nursing.

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Barriers to Achieving Nursing Evidence Based Practice